
Last Nigt

After typing that title I needed to put on that song by The Strokes.

So last night everything happened as predicted. Dinner was a mess. 2 hours felt like 4. Post dinner was even worse. We went back to my g-parents house and he presented them with a tropical fruit basket. He then took each fruit and explained what it was and how it benefits your health and what vitamins each contain. There was opera music playing and the 40 year old virgin talked and talked about himself in a monotone dron for what seemed like forever. I can't forget his accordion wallet with about 20 pictures of his 2 cats. Definately the hi-light of my night.

The car ride back to the train station? 40 year old left and it was just me and the grandparents. Oh, but I wasn't "safe". I had to hear about what a nice boy he is and how I'm a fool for not taking the bait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that song!