I promise, I’ll try to make this my last “Brokeback Mountain” post.
I caved in. I saw it again today. Every time I wake up early I see a movie. It’s like I’m conditioned to do that now. It’s like a mindset.
I wake up early = I see a movie.
So today I chose Brokeback Mountain as my AM movie, again, for the third time. I really need to chill. I think I’m becoming obsessed.
I really can’t think of another movie that has moved me the way that Brokeback does. All 3 times that I’ve seen it I walk out of the movie just thinking, thinking all day about the movie. I’ve tried to get everyone I know to see it, because I feel like if I never saw it I would be missing out on something great. All day I’ve been thinking about it, and even thought the ending is so sad, I decided today that this was the best way to end it. I don’t want to ruin it for everyone, but if they gave us the fairytale ending, the movie wouldn’t have been as good.
What makes me so sad is how so many people that I know and love don’t want to see this movie just because it’s “the gay cowboy movie” , it’s so much more than just that, and I hate how my friends could be so narrow-minded. This makes me very sad.
I’m going to try and wait at least until next year to see it again. I think that I can hold out. It’s not like I’m taking away sex. Just Brokeback.
P.S. Heath Ledger will win an Oscar for this. I hope.
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