Pet Boy
I think that I've forgotten to mention that since mid-August I've almost monogomously been dating this guy.
From now on at this blog we will be calling him "Pet".
And yes, this should get very interesting. At first I wasn't going to write about us, but honestly what's the harm?
From now on at this blog we will be calling him "Pet".
And yes, this should get very interesting. At first I wasn't going to write about us, but honestly what's the harm?
Party Monster
Please read this article Party Boy In A Cage. It's about Michael Alig, and it's absolutely crazy.
I’m fascinated by the club kids- horrified by their fall- the whole “Disco Bloodbath” debacle, but their rise is intriguing. The shit we pull today doesn’t even hold a candle to what these kids pulled off 15 years ago. I’ve been lucky enough to meet and get to know a few of the people who have been on the scene since the late 80’s. Hearing their stories about the Club Kids is amazing. People are horrified/awestruck at these first hand accounts but the storytellers are unfazed. They look at today’s scene as ridiculously tame, which is true when you’re comparing today’s ruff kids and motherfuckers to the Club Kids of the early 90’s.
If you haven’t seen it already, “Party Monster” is an accurate account of this era. It's well worth the watch. I’ve seen it a few too many times.
Also, is there any correlation between Michael Alig's last name (Alig) and Sacha Barron Cohen's character (Ali G)?
Technorati Tags: Club Kids, Party Monster, Michael Alig
I’m fascinated by the club kids- horrified by their fall- the whole “Disco Bloodbath” debacle, but their rise is intriguing. The shit we pull today doesn’t even hold a candle to what these kids pulled off 15 years ago. I’ve been lucky enough to meet and get to know a few of the people who have been on the scene since the late 80’s. Hearing their stories about the Club Kids is amazing. People are horrified/awestruck at these first hand accounts but the storytellers are unfazed. They look at today’s scene as ridiculously tame, which is true when you’re comparing today’s ruff kids and motherfuckers to the Club Kids of the early 90’s.
If you haven’t seen it already, “Party Monster” is an accurate account of this era. It's well worth the watch. I’ve seen it a few too many times.
Also, is there any correlation between Michael Alig's last name (Alig) and Sacha Barron Cohen's character (Ali G)?
Technorati Tags: Club Kids, Party Monster, Michael Alig
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I hope that ya'll had a lovely holiday.
I'll be back with some good stuff tomorrow.
I'll be back with some good stuff tomorrow.
apartment party
My friend had an apartment party last night. Nothing special, just the usual mix of college students, college grads pretending that they're still students, drug addicts, ex – drug addicts, indie rockers, pseudo hippies, d listers, and hipsters galore.
While at the party everything going on seems relevant, but in reality nothing really matters. It’s really just a bunch of drunk, smaked out people trying to fit in with one another.
But yea, it was fun.
While at the party everything going on seems relevant, but in reality nothing really matters. It’s really just a bunch of drunk, smaked out people trying to fit in with one another.
But yea, it was fun.
I'm a nerd.
So I obviously got overexcited when I found out that Sufjan released a Christmas album yesterday. (Sufjan, as in Sufjan Stevens. He's one of my imaginary boyfriends, which means that we're on a first name basis.)
I went to his website, only to see that he's a little overgiddy about this as well. Not only does he have a full collection of Christmas CD's, but he has stikers, vinyl, and a singalong book.
So I obviously got overexcited when I found out that Sufjan released a Christmas album yesterday. (Sufjan, as in Sufjan Stevens. He's one of my imaginary boyfriends, which means that we're on a first name basis.)
I went to his website, only to see that he's a little overgiddy about this as well. Not only does he have a full collection of Christmas CD's, but he has stikers, vinyl, and a singalong book.
Impromptu Nudista
One of my best friends posted their account of Friday night on her blog. It inspired me to create my own account of the night.
Only because the pre-game part became an impromptu nakey party.
I'm at my friend fluffy's apt. Her real name isn’t Fluffy, but that’s what we all call her. I’m sitting in an “egg chair” chair with my friend, each of us with a glass of rum in hand with tea nearby, for chaser purposes. (Tea as a chaser? I’m not too sure what’s up with that.) The chair is shaped like an egg with red velour lining. The walls are neon green. There is a large blue coffee table made of wood. A pink shag rug sits in the middle of the room. Yes, everything looks psychedelic and we aren’t even drunk, yet.
After some rum I wind up putting on a pair of earmuffs. Not too weird when I focus in on my surroundings. Fluffy is topless, wearing only a denim miniskirt, which comes off leaving only a thong. Another friend is wearing a top with no bottoms. Fluffy’s lay from the previous night still hasn’t left, and he is walking around in a towel. (it’s 11PM. I’m really not sure why he’s still at her place a whole day later.)
The doorbell rings. A boy walks in and purchases Viagra, e, and thinks about buying oxy from Fluff. Then he leaves. The doorbell rings again. This time in walks my one friend wearing almost nothing, meaning the shiny silver undergarment thingy’s from American apparel. My other friend walks in wearing nothing except for sheer black stockings and holding a 40. Everyone was dancing/bopping around and taking swigs from a 40 while reminiscing about "rolling on e" the night before.
I felt like we walked straight off the pages of a Bret Easton Ellis novel.
here's a picture of the setting I was trying to desribe. wall, egg, friend's arm.
Only because the pre-game part became an impromptu nakey party.
I'm at my friend fluffy's apt. Her real name isn’t Fluffy, but that’s what we all call her. I’m sitting in an “egg chair” chair with my friend, each of us with a glass of rum in hand with tea nearby, for chaser purposes. (Tea as a chaser? I’m not too sure what’s up with that.) The chair is shaped like an egg with red velour lining. The walls are neon green. There is a large blue coffee table made of wood. A pink shag rug sits in the middle of the room. Yes, everything looks psychedelic and we aren’t even drunk, yet.
After some rum I wind up putting on a pair of earmuffs. Not too weird when I focus in on my surroundings. Fluffy is topless, wearing only a denim miniskirt, which comes off leaving only a thong. Another friend is wearing a top with no bottoms. Fluffy’s lay from the previous night still hasn’t left, and he is walking around in a towel. (it’s 11PM. I’m really not sure why he’s still at her place a whole day later.)
The doorbell rings. A boy walks in and purchases Viagra, e, and thinks about buying oxy from Fluff. Then he leaves. The doorbell rings again. This time in walks my one friend wearing almost nothing, meaning the shiny silver undergarment thingy’s from American apparel. My other friend walks in wearing nothing except for sheer black stockings and holding a 40. Everyone was dancing/bopping around and taking swigs from a 40 while reminiscing about "rolling on e" the night before.
I felt like we walked straight off the pages of a Bret Easton Ellis novel.
here's a picture of the setting I was trying to desribe. wall, egg, friend's arm.

Back and forth. forever.
I stayed in tonight. It was very much needed. I watched "Me and You and Everyone we Know". great movie.
Thanksgiving is coming up. This is the only time of the year that being a native New Yorker sucks. Everyone flys back to their hometown and I'm left here in NY, where going out will not be as much fun due to the bridge and tunnel overload that will take over my city very shortly.
sad, I know. I'm trying not to be bitter.
I'm trying to find a good concert for this upcoming week/wknd. Any suggestions?
Thanksgiving is coming up. This is the only time of the year that being a native New Yorker sucks. Everyone flys back to their hometown and I'm left here in NY, where going out will not be as much fun due to the bridge and tunnel overload that will take over my city very shortly.
sad, I know. I'm trying not to be bitter.
I'm trying to find a good concert for this upcoming week/wknd. Any suggestions?
I know. I was very MIA
I was just talking to my mother about how I really miss blogging. I've decided to come back and hopefully get this thing going again. This winter seems to be a little crazier than last, so i'll start documenting again. Should be fun.
Half a person
Today I took the day off from being a person. I would usually feel guilty doing nothing all day but I really feel like I deserved it. I've been so overworked this past week it's kinda crazy.
I just met 2 deadlines for a magazine in 5 days. I also had to go to my bosses' party, as well as a birthday party for a friend's friend, and a going away party.
My boss had some photographers at his party to document the night. The pictures were finally posted today, and I'm happy to say that they are all tame. Only thing is that this one photog was snapping me grabbing parts of my friends and other non kosher stuff that wouldn't please my poppa. I'm not sure which website this guy works for but I'm a little anxious because shots of me grabbing boobs and showing too much cleveage is probably maybe on the interweb right about now.
I take back the not being a person thing. I submitted a project to the mag and also hit a bar with my roomie. But I did sleep till 2Pm. So I guess that I was half a person.
I need to sleep bc I have A LOT to do tomorrow. I have a guest coming whom I need to entertain. She's a complainer so I've got a long day ahead of me. On the upside: I have a hot date. A cute and kinda crazy C-List celeb. woohoo.
I just met 2 deadlines for a magazine in 5 days. I also had to go to my bosses' party, as well as a birthday party for a friend's friend, and a going away party.
My boss had some photographers at his party to document the night. The pictures were finally posted today, and I'm happy to say that they are all tame. Only thing is that this one photog was snapping me grabbing parts of my friends and other non kosher stuff that wouldn't please my poppa. I'm not sure which website this guy works for but I'm a little anxious because shots of me grabbing boobs and showing too much cleveage is probably maybe on the interweb right about now.
I take back the not being a person thing. I submitted a project to the mag and also hit a bar with my roomie. But I did sleep till 2Pm. So I guess that I was half a person.
I need to sleep bc I have A LOT to do tomorrow. I have a guest coming whom I need to entertain. She's a complainer so I've got a long day ahead of me. On the upside: I have a hot date. A cute and kinda crazy C-List celeb. woohoo.
it is right smack in the middle of the Tribeca Film Festival, which is amazing this year, and i feel like I'm constantly on the go again. I have a different screening almost everyday, but today I'm "off". If you are looking to pee in your pants, I reccomend that you see "Fifty Pills"
On a sketchier note, my roommate and i suspect my boss of trying to have an affair with me. Details to come.
On a sketchier note, my roommate and i suspect my boss of trying to have an affair with me. Details to come.
Bad Game
Last night on our way to Lit some of my friends decided to take a ciggy break in front of CBGB's. While we were standing there a guy came up to me and asked if he could have a female perspective to an odd question; would I be mad if my boyfriend had almost nude pics of his ex girlfriend on his wall?
I feel like that can't be answered so simply. It's situational. For each situation it's different. Does he still love the ex? For what reason is he keeping the pics up? I felt like it couldn't be answered so that's what I told him.
He told me he was bored of CBGB's, where would I recommend to hop to? I told him that i didn't know (beacuse I wasn't about to invite a stranger who I was not at all attracted to out with me) he asked where I was going, I said Lit. He grabbed my hand, read my palm and told me that my palm says that I have a big ego. OK. Definately not getting good vibesw from this one.
Later on that night who do I see at Lit pulling the same game on another girl as he pulled on me? Mr. palm reader. First the question about naked pics, then the palm. This guy really needs to step up his game. Also, why the fuck did he go to Lit? stalker much?
I feel like that can't be answered so simply. It's situational. For each situation it's different. Does he still love the ex? For what reason is he keeping the pics up? I felt like it couldn't be answered so that's what I told him.
He told me he was bored of CBGB's, where would I recommend to hop to? I told him that i didn't know (beacuse I wasn't about to invite a stranger who I was not at all attracted to out with me) he asked where I was going, I said Lit. He grabbed my hand, read my palm and told me that my palm says that I have a big ego. OK. Definately not getting good vibesw from this one.
Later on that night who do I see at Lit pulling the same game on another girl as he pulled on me? Mr. palm reader. First the question about naked pics, then the palm. This guy really needs to step up his game. Also, why the fuck did he go to Lit? stalker much?
I love my job
During my break from blogging, I got a new job at a PR firm. Every person there is under the age of 33 and good looking. Also, we get paid to go out and drink for free. Enough said.
On a more disturbing note, one of my co workers met Jake Gyllenhaal last wknd while she was drunk. The story as told by her:
"I saw him standing like 10 feet away from me and I grabbed my friend and started pointing and screaming 'look theres Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!' He came up to us and said hi and shook my hand, but i guess that I wasn't satisfied with that. I grabbed his arm and started licking it. It tasted good, and I was too drunk to realize that this was weird or to observe his reaction."
Yeah, I'm jealous. Just a little.
On a more disturbing note, one of my co workers met Jake Gyllenhaal last wknd while she was drunk. The story as told by her:
"I saw him standing like 10 feet away from me and I grabbed my friend and started pointing and screaming 'look theres Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!' He came up to us and said hi and shook my hand, but i guess that I wasn't satisfied with that. I grabbed his arm and started licking it. It tasted good, and I was too drunk to realize that this was weird or to observe his reaction."
Yeah, I'm jealous. Just a little.
Side Note
I know, I really shouldn't make excuses for my lack of updates, but I feel the need to tell. One additional reason, was this guy who we like to call "MET". Well he became addicted to me. I'm not trying to sound concieted but he was just over the top. I didn't like him the way he liked me, I actually started to not like him at all, and it wore me down. And trust me, you do not want to read about me complaining about met's stalkerish activities everyday.
so be happy for the hiatus. i'm refreshed and Met free now! Don't worry, I'll totally post the entertaining out there drama that met and I got into when I was trying to shoo him away. Some of the stuff is tres entertaining.
so be happy for the hiatus. i'm refreshed and Met free now! Don't worry, I'll totally post the entertaining out there drama that met and I got into when I was trying to shoo him away. Some of the stuff is tres entertaining.
so worn out
It's crazy how busy I've been these past 2 weeks. I feel like I've been working double time, and I probably have if I counted the hours. Also, I was talking to my friend today and I realized that not only have I been working overtie in the job dpt, but also in the dating dept. Without even realizing it, I am currently dating 4 guys, and that just makes me sick. First one to go: Met. His bye bye is long overdue.
I have to finish up work, but definately more later, and I know Its almost midnight on a Sat. Sad but true I have work to do since I put it off on thurs and fri and went out. Stupid me.
I have to finish up work, but definately more later, and I know Its almost midnight on a Sat. Sad but true I have work to do since I put it off on thurs and fri and went out. Stupid me.
walk the line
Joaquin Phoenix is my new "boyfriend". I never realized how fucking georgeous he is. I'm not obsessed. I promise. But I did watch 'Walk The Line' a few too many times.
I'm off to make out with the hot chick....
I'm off to make out with the hot chick....
It's Weds. which means that I'm depressed because theres no Project Runway tonight. In my opinion, that show was the only good thing on TV right now. I'm so sad that it's over. I need to find nother show, but thats so hard when theres all the crap that the networks are trying to sell us now. Wow, I sound like my grandmother.
I still haven't made a dent in my work that's due at 10 tonight, so thats what I'm going to be doing all day. ugh.
But after 10: I'm free. And yes i'm going to party drink and who knows what else. I have plans to go to the bar where the girl works at, so maybe...
I don't want to jinx anything.
I still haven't made a dent in my work that's due at 10 tonight, so thats what I'm going to be doing all day. ugh.
But after 10: I'm free. And yes i'm going to party drink and who knows what else. I have plans to go to the bar where the girl works at, so maybe...
I don't want to jinx anything.
Blair on TV
The other week i did a little filming for a TV show. Intelligent me totally forgot when they were airing it, and I fully missed the show. Totally sucks. Hopefully the Food Network is as good about playing re-runs as Bravo is.
Week Recap
Ok, so since i haven't been posting whats up with me lately, i think that I'm going to do a quick recap to catch ya'll up with little miss blair.
This past week I...
-Saw Met's penis. It's an ugly one. I'm not attracted to him or it, which means that it went right back into his shorts after I pulled it out.
-Went to CBGB's. so fucking sad that their closing it down.
-Went to Don Hill's, Sapphire, and Happy Valley. also to the bar where the hot bartender works. We have plans for next week.
-Went to a charity event. charity events = good karma.
-Bought a rediculously hot dress from Marc Jacobs. Nowhere to wear it yet. I need to find a hot bitch to take me out.
- Drank more than usual. also, did more drugs than usual. I found a new dealer who has excellent blow, so I'm very excited about that.
-Bumped into my actor friend on the street. He looks hotter than last time I saw him. New plastic maybe?
-Bumped into a guy who took me out on a few dates who I wasn't feeling. Yes, It was akward. He just texted me and I think that I'm not going to respond. Also, I bumped into a girl that I went to High School with on the L train. How random?
- Had a rooftop party. We drank wine and French Liquor and pretended that we were 40. Fucking adoreable.
This past week I...
-Saw Met's penis. It's an ugly one. I'm not attracted to him or it, which means that it went right back into his shorts after I pulled it out.
-Went to CBGB's. so fucking sad that their closing it down.
-Went to Don Hill's, Sapphire, and Happy Valley. also to the bar where the hot bartender works. We have plans for next week.
-Went to a charity event. charity events = good karma.
-Bought a rediculously hot dress from Marc Jacobs. Nowhere to wear it yet. I need to find a hot bitch to take me out.
- Drank more than usual. also, did more drugs than usual. I found a new dealer who has excellent blow, so I'm very excited about that.
-Bumped into my actor friend on the street. He looks hotter than last time I saw him. New plastic maybe?
-Bumped into a guy who took me out on a few dates who I wasn't feeling. Yes, It was akward. He just texted me and I think that I'm not going to respond. Also, I bumped into a girl that I went to High School with on the L train. How random?
- Had a rooftop party. We drank wine and French Liquor and pretended that we were 40. Fucking adoreable.
So this guy who I like to call "met"...
I have a total love/hate relationship with him, only thing is that this love/hate thing is internal. He doesn't know about it. I feel too bad telling him "look, I do not like you more than a friend", but i feel bad for leading him on too. I know, I should stop this before it's too deep and he's hurt, but i need to find the right time.
there will never be a right time. sucks, doesn't it?
He's not a bad guy, but he just doesn't do it for me. there's no "fireworks", and i totally need the fireworks for me to commit to one guy. Yes, sad but true, but it's very hard for me to stay monogomous.
So this is my current dilemma, but at least I have an apt now.
I have a total love/hate relationship with him, only thing is that this love/hate thing is internal. He doesn't know about it. I feel too bad telling him "look, I do not like you more than a friend", but i feel bad for leading him on too. I know, I should stop this before it's too deep and he's hurt, but i need to find the right time.
there will never be a right time. sucks, doesn't it?
He's not a bad guy, but he just doesn't do it for me. there's no "fireworks", and i totally need the fireworks for me to commit to one guy. Yes, sad but true, but it's very hard for me to stay monogomous.
So this is my current dilemma, but at least I have an apt now.
back, finally
Ok i know i've been MIA this whole month so far. so sorry.
I moved!!! fucking finally! 10014. West Village. and I'm so fucking happy.
I just finished settling and all that stuff so regular updates to resume next week. for now all that you need to know is that i'm back downtown after a month long hiatus uptown.
I moved!!! fucking finally! 10014. West Village. and I'm so fucking happy.
I just finished settling and all that stuff so regular updates to resume next week. for now all that you need to know is that i'm back downtown after a month long hiatus uptown.
quick catchup
I'm actually staying in tonight to catch up on some work that i need to do.
March 1st deadline. fuck. I'm so screwed. I always go out a lot but lately it's been excessive and I'm totally drained. Too bad. I have busy nights planned tomorrow, and the day after that (thurs)
So a quick catchup/ recap of recent events:
- I am still living uptown, hopefully that will soon change
- Strokes concert tomorrow and Sat. I am v. excited. There is a thrid one shcedueled but I'm not that obsessive. Plus, tha strokes are my "closet band". I don't shout from the rooftops that I liek them, even though I do. alot.
- The boy aka "met". ugh. Like i know I "liked" him alot but i "liked" him before i even knew him. Maybe I liked the idea of him. I think that I liked theway he presents himself, he shows himself in a very well marketed way at first, but when you really get to know him you see it's a facade and he's just a little too weird, full of himself, pompous, and arrogant. Just ew. enough about him.
- The other day i met a guy while I was chain smoking and this thurs we are going on a double date. Him, I, My best friend, his best friend. He's cute. That's all that i can say about him at this point.
- Girl Bartender hottie. She's hot. She's an awesome person with positive energy and just fun to be around. She's a 100% lesbian which is a little intimidating since I've considered myself straight all my life, but we'll see where this goes...
For the record I never kissed, sucked or fucked "Met", so why is getting rid of him so f'ing hard?
March 1st deadline. fuck. I'm so screwed. I always go out a lot but lately it's been excessive and I'm totally drained. Too bad. I have busy nights planned tomorrow, and the day after that (thurs)
So a quick catchup/ recap of recent events:
- I am still living uptown, hopefully that will soon change
- Strokes concert tomorrow and Sat. I am v. excited. There is a thrid one shcedueled but I'm not that obsessive. Plus, tha strokes are my "closet band". I don't shout from the rooftops that I liek them, even though I do. alot.
- The boy aka "met". ugh. Like i know I "liked" him alot but i "liked" him before i even knew him. Maybe I liked the idea of him. I think that I liked theway he presents himself, he shows himself in a very well marketed way at first, but when you really get to know him you see it's a facade and he's just a little too weird, full of himself, pompous, and arrogant. Just ew. enough about him.
- The other day i met a guy while I was chain smoking and this thurs we are going on a double date. Him, I, My best friend, his best friend. He's cute. That's all that i can say about him at this point.
- Girl Bartender hottie. She's hot. She's an awesome person with positive energy and just fun to be around. She's a 100% lesbian which is a little intimidating since I've considered myself straight all my life, but we'll see where this goes...
For the record I never kissed, sucked or fucked "Met", so why is getting rid of him so f'ing hard?
last night
misshapes at don hill's is still good. after all these years they still have crazy parties that don't go out of style in 5 months like most other places. But everytime i go i notice more and more 16 year old wannabe's and it's really starting to bother me. the little high school bad fake id crew that try a little too hard to be cool and just fall short. Please Thomas, these kiddies are just a little lame.
So I went to misshapes for a few hours, and then went to a loft party around the corner. who did i see drinking beer and sweeping the floor? Heather, Santino's model on project runway. And yes, she was really pretty, and also very nice.
So I went to misshapes for a few hours, and then went to a loft party around the corner. who did i see drinking beer and sweeping the floor? Heather, Santino's model on project runway. And yes, she was really pretty, and also very nice.
I do not watch American Idol
Ok careful wording. Careful wording is key in this post. I need to write this so that i can dish my point without revealing too much. i don't need a lawsuit from an ex lover as a result of this.
So let's start out by saying that I don't believe in American Idol. I believe that it is pre-determined and that the voting thing is just to make you feel involved and give the show an edge. "Rigged" may be the right word that I'm looking for. I think the show is cheezy and that most of the talent is just middle of the road- averege.
The boy I've been talking to watches it.
(Time out. I need a better name than "the boy". From now on he will be referred to as "Met")
Ok, so Met watches Idol. I'm not going to trash the show anymore just because i know that for some reason a lot of people enjoy it. He told me that some of the people this season are good. I decided to watch. I don't give a fuck about the girls because I prefer listeing to male voices. I downloaded some clips to see who I like and I've decided to root for Bucky, then Chris, and then Ace. In that order.
By rooting for them I mean that I wish them the best and that is all. I will probably not watch the show and I will definately not campaign / vote for them.
Now heres a question to all ya'll. Have you ever been totally positively sure that you are 100% over someone? Yes? Me too. I'm totally positive that I'm over this guy, (diff guy, we're not talking about Met anymore), but this monster of a show triggers something within me that brings back a feeling in me linking back to "him". We will call this "him" "Wannabe Rock Star."
I Don't want "Wannabe Rock Star" anymore, nor do I miss him, but since "Wannabe Rock Star" is so closely connected and linked to this show, watching it brings back all the hurt feelings, lies, and deceit that I felt fom him not too long ago. All of the fucked up things that this guy did come rushing back and make me sad. angry. The hurt feels new, and because of that I do not think that I will be able to tune into American Idol anymore.
That is all. Goodnight. I'm off to Lit in a few but I'm probably going to hop around tonight, so who knows where I'll end up.
So let's start out by saying that I don't believe in American Idol. I believe that it is pre-determined and that the voting thing is just to make you feel involved and give the show an edge. "Rigged" may be the right word that I'm looking for. I think the show is cheezy and that most of the talent is just middle of the road- averege.
The boy I've been talking to watches it.
(Time out. I need a better name than "the boy". From now on he will be referred to as "Met")
Ok, so Met watches Idol. I'm not going to trash the show anymore just because i know that for some reason a lot of people enjoy it. He told me that some of the people this season are good. I decided to watch. I don't give a fuck about the girls because I prefer listeing to male voices. I downloaded some clips to see who I like and I've decided to root for Bucky, then Chris, and then Ace. In that order.
By rooting for them I mean that I wish them the best and that is all. I will probably not watch the show and I will definately not campaign / vote for them.
Now heres a question to all ya'll. Have you ever been totally positively sure that you are 100% over someone? Yes? Me too. I'm totally positive that I'm over this guy, (diff guy, we're not talking about Met anymore), but this monster of a show triggers something within me that brings back a feeling in me linking back to "him". We will call this "him" "Wannabe Rock Star."
I Don't want "Wannabe Rock Star" anymore, nor do I miss him, but since "Wannabe Rock Star" is so closely connected and linked to this show, watching it brings back all the hurt feelings, lies, and deceit that I felt fom him not too long ago. All of the fucked up things that this guy did come rushing back and make me sad. angry. The hurt feels new, and because of that I do not think that I will be able to tune into American Idol anymore.
That is all. Goodnight. I'm off to Lit in a few but I'm probably going to hop around tonight, so who knows where I'll end up.
Runway Reunion
Who else was dissapointed by the runway Reunion last night? To me it was underwhelming and a hate on Santion fest. not cool in my book.
Warning: this is another drunk post. Thank god for spell check.
I just got back from The Cellar and had a lovely night. I just found another apt to look at in the W.Village. I'm so proud of myself that I'm actually apt hunting and not just complaining about living uptown without doing anything about it.
The more I think about it the more that I want the hottie girl bartender. I'm seeing her on Sunday. The cute boy is doing ok. We talk for approx 3 hours a day without even having phone sex. I'm seeing him tomorrow or the day after.
I rather fuck her than him.
Tonight I realized that the no smoking indoors rule in NYC is officially dead. Everyone does it and no one cares. There was a Wolfmother concert at Mercury Lounge that I missed and I'm pissed about that. I have a piece of meat passed out in my bed right now and I'm debating with the idea of pushing them a little so that i have room on the bed too or just sleeping on the floor
I just got back from The Cellar and had a lovely night. I just found another apt to look at in the W.Village. I'm so proud of myself that I'm actually apt hunting and not just complaining about living uptown without doing anything about it.
The more I think about it the more that I want the hottie girl bartender. I'm seeing her on Sunday. The cute boy is doing ok. We talk for approx 3 hours a day without even having phone sex. I'm seeing him tomorrow or the day after.
I rather fuck her than him.
Tonight I realized that the no smoking indoors rule in NYC is officially dead. Everyone does it and no one cares. There was a Wolfmother concert at Mercury Lounge that I missed and I'm pissed about that. I have a piece of meat passed out in my bed right now and I'm debating with the idea of pushing them a little so that i have room on the bed too or just sleeping on the floor
he's cute, she's hot
I haven't been this exhausted in a long long time. I was on the phone with the boy till 430 last night. Up and out at 930 this morning, only to return home now, 215 AM.
But it goes a little something like this.. I like the boy. Awesome personality. Fun to be around. Only thing is that he's "cute". By "cute" I mean not exactly my type and good looking to some people, but he doesn't totally do it for me. Good enough to get by, and definately not hideous. "Cute". But I won't let this aspect get in the way if it's meant to be because like I said.. I like the boy. I like him enough thus far that being shallow is silly, and he really is adoreable
Not only do I like the boy, but I like the girl too. What girl? This bartender at a bar that I go to a lot. She's a hottie and she thinks the same of me. We'll see where this goes...
But it goes a little something like this.. I like the boy. Awesome personality. Fun to be around. Only thing is that he's "cute". By "cute" I mean not exactly my type and good looking to some people, but he doesn't totally do it for me. Good enough to get by, and definately not hideous. "Cute". But I won't let this aspect get in the way if it's meant to be because like I said.. I like the boy. I like him enough thus far that being shallow is silly, and he really is adoreable
Not only do I like the boy, but I like the girl too. What girl? This bartender at a bar that I go to a lot. She's a hottie and she thinks the same of me. We'll see where this goes...
Something different
I actually like this guy and I haven't even banged him yet. Wtf is wrong with me?
Usually its bang bang bang peace. This is definately nothing like that. It's like a real domestic realtionship. I have to admit that I'm a little werided out but I do like it. Or maybe it's just him that I like. I think thats it. I like this guy.
I'm off to Don Hill's soon and I think that I'm going to put my bad girl panties back on just for the night.
Usually its bang bang bang peace. This is definately nothing like that. It's like a real domestic realtionship. I have to admit that I'm a little werided out but I do like it. Or maybe it's just him that I like. I think thats it. I like this guy.
I'm off to Don Hill's soon and I think that I'm going to put my bad girl panties back on just for the night.
I hope that I didn't jinx it...
Ok so I'm so over uptown right about now that theres almost nothing more to say about it. I'm just done, time to move on. Pronto por favor.
I bar hopped up here from bar to bar to bar 4 times, and I still didn't have as much fun as I would if I was at one place on the Lower East Side.
I've been here 3 weeks and I'm already bored with the way way upper west side.
Lets cross our fingers that this place in Nolita that I'm looking at works out. Thats all I'm saying about the Nolita place though because I believe in jinxes and this is not something that I want to jinx.
Also, something else that I don't want to jinx.. Theres a boy that i like and this is a big deal beacuse I haven't actually liked a boy in a long time. Usually I act as if they are disposeable and never get attached but this time I think that i'm actaully getting that cliche "butterfly feeling". ugh.
I bar hopped up here from bar to bar to bar 4 times, and I still didn't have as much fun as I would if I was at one place on the Lower East Side.
I've been here 3 weeks and I'm already bored with the way way upper west side.
Lets cross our fingers that this place in Nolita that I'm looking at works out. Thats all I'm saying about the Nolita place though because I believe in jinxes and this is not something that I want to jinx.
Also, something else that I don't want to jinx.. Theres a boy that i like and this is a big deal beacuse I haven't actually liked a boy in a long time. Usually I act as if they are disposeable and never get attached but this time I think that i'm actaully getting that cliche "butterfly feeling". ugh.
two more hours until we find out "the final three headed to fashion week" even though everyone in the know realizes that that's bs and that all 4 of them really made it to the fashion week show last Friday.
I'm off to the usual Weds. night Project Runway party at my friend's apt with an endless supply of grey goose and red wine. If my 2 faves (Santino/DanielV) make it past this cut I'm off to Sapphire to celebrate. and if one of them gets cut, after I recover I guess that I'm still off to Sapphire to drink enough so that i can't even remember the episode.
I'm off to the usual Weds. night Project Runway party at my friend's apt with an endless supply of grey goose and red wine. If my 2 faves (Santino/DanielV) make it past this cut I'm off to Sapphire to celebrate. and if one of them gets cut, after I recover I guess that I'm still off to Sapphire to drink enough so that i can't even remember the episode.
Just a Little Too Obsessed
How sad is it that I'm prefectly content with not going out on Weds. as long as I get to watch Project Runway? You know that the obsession has gone too far when I no longer care about partying because there is something that I prefer to do more that doesn't involve sex.
I'll be cured and back to normal in approximately 3 weeks when this show is sadly over.
I'll be cured and back to normal in approximately 3 weeks when this show is sadly over.
Valentine's Recap
My Valentine's day was so interesting that I took a 5 hour nap to make it pass by faster. Kidding. I did take the nap, but only because i was tired. The day wasn't that great though. Valentine's Night is when it got interesting.
Around 8 I get a knock knock on my door from some guy that lives down the hall from me with chocolate asking me to be his valentine. How sweet. After we talked for 5 minutes and agreed to meet up on Sunday for a movie I got ready making sure not to wear pink or red because that would be just too cliche, and met up with everyone at my friend's apt. My planned Valentine, not the suprise knock knock at 8 PM guy was there, and for the record he is not straight which makes him super fabulous, but it also makes it super sad that i had to resort to my main gay for my valentine.
We went to Fat Baby's for the most retro v-day celebration ever. Why Fat Baby's? Only because they were serving jello shots. Yes, jello shots, the alternitave way of getting drunk without actually drinking that you probably haven't had since 10th grade. I brought out my inner 15 year old and partied like it was 2001.
Around 8 I get a knock knock on my door from some guy that lives down the hall from me with chocolate asking me to be his valentine. How sweet. After we talked for 5 minutes and agreed to meet up on Sunday for a movie I got ready making sure not to wear pink or red because that would be just too cliche, and met up with everyone at my friend's apt. My planned Valentine, not the suprise knock knock at 8 PM guy was there, and for the record he is not straight which makes him super fabulous, but it also makes it super sad that i had to resort to my main gay for my valentine.
We went to Fat Baby's for the most retro v-day celebration ever. Why Fat Baby's? Only because they were serving jello shots. Yes, jello shots, the alternitave way of getting drunk without actually drinking that you probably haven't had since 10th grade. I brought out my inner 15 year old and partied like it was 2001.
Waterbug Anyone?
I was just getting into bed and there was a waterbug just chillin there waiting to greet me. Ew.
I guess that my Valentine's Day Present.
I guess that my Valentine's Day Present.
Nice White Powder
On days like today i think it's best to stay inside. It's too cold to do anything productive, and if you do go outside you get all wet and snowy. Besides, it's Sunday. Everyone in Manhattan knows that on Sunday it's practically illegal to be up before noon.
I'm lucky that my two roommates and i actually get along. if we didn't there would be some interesting stuff going down on a day like today with all 3 of us in the apt. We decided to feed into our lovefest and pop open a bottle of red and settle infront of our TV and watch "Love Song For Bobby Long". Good Movie.
I took a nap for about an hour and read a little. Staying in can be nice sometimes. it's a rare change from the usual. Now I think that we are going to collaborate and actually try and cook dinner. Yes, 3 undomestic girls trying very hard in a kitchen could either lead to a miracle or a disaster. We'll see how this turns out...
I'm lucky that my two roommates and i actually get along. if we didn't there would be some interesting stuff going down on a day like today with all 3 of us in the apt. We decided to feed into our lovefest and pop open a bottle of red and settle infront of our TV and watch "Love Song For Bobby Long". Good Movie.
I took a nap for about an hour and read a little. Staying in can be nice sometimes. it's a rare change from the usual. Now I think that we are going to collaborate and actually try and cook dinner. Yes, 3 undomestic girls trying very hard in a kitchen could either lead to a miracle or a disaster. We'll see how this turns out...
Extra Drunky
OK I just got back and I have the worst headache ever. I took advil thingys and I never take them. Only when it;s really bad and and riteenow its pretty fucking bad.
The night was good though. Until I got the headache. But I got the headache beacuse I hardly ate yesterday and then drank a lot of alcohol.
I need to like put a lock on this blog when I'm wasted. If i did that there would only be 4 posts though beacuse I mostly only drunk post. Ok i need sleep.
Is it just me or was Don Hills/Misssshapes better than usual tonight? Maybe it was beacuse it seemed like everybody was there tonight. It was probably just the alcohol plus powder. gooodnite
The night was good though. Until I got the headache. But I got the headache beacuse I hardly ate yesterday and then drank a lot of alcohol.
I need to like put a lock on this blog when I'm wasted. If i did that there would only be 4 posts though beacuse I mostly only drunk post. Ok i need sleep.
Is it just me or was Don Hills/Misssshapes better than usual tonight? Maybe it was beacuse it seemed like everybody was there tonight. It was probably just the alcohol plus powder. gooodnite
My roomie/best friend from Highschool and I have this crush on a group of 3 guys that are 3 years younger than we are. I know. Usually I like men at least 3 years older than I am but I guess I decided to turn the tables.?
So these 'boys' visited us last night and yea, we had a lot of fun. We hit up some bars, but the real fun happened in the privacy of our own home. We somehow arranged it that we all got play from eachother without leaving anyone out.
The tots are coming back for seconds this Thurs. and don't worry. They aren't that young.
So these 'boys' visited us last night and yea, we had a lot of fun. We hit up some bars, but the real fun happened in the privacy of our own home. We somehow arranged it that we all got play from eachother without leaving anyone out.
The tots are coming back for seconds this Thurs. and don't worry. They aren't that young.
Goodbye Fashion Week
Now that fashion week is over, my life can resume back to normal. Normal being used loosley since many people would never use the word "normal" to describe my life.
So this is the last fall 2006 fashion week post here at blairzy.blogspot.com
And on an ending note.. here are the fabulous project runway collections that were displayed yesterday morning.
So this is the last fall 2006 fashion week post here at blairzy.blogspot.com
And on an ending note.. here are the fabulous project runway collections that were displayed yesterday morning.
Seven Nothings
a lot of nothings are on my mind right now:
1) at first I wasn't thrilled with the collections fashion week was bringing but sometime around Monday it all turned around. theres so many collections that I like that i've stopped posting the links because theres just too many.
2) for anyone who was at the heatherette show.. was that not the most fun show ever? It was so full of energy. it was fab.
3) I lost my favorite gloves and I'm depressed over that.
4) My best friend is visiting me next thursday and I'm excited to see her but not excited that I don't have an apt.
5) I'm 100% bored of uptown.
6) i'm cumming in my pants b/c it's less than 2 hours till project runway. I know one of my 2 PR fake boyfriends is safe, but santino isn't and it's making me nervous. if he leaves tonight I'm going to be very very sad.
7) I haven't seen any of the PR season 2 people yet. tear. I know that they are all in NY now though.
k. thats all. nothing important. Exept for the loss of my gloves. I need to go get ready for a PR viewing party. Martinis and Runway. Yum.
1) at first I wasn't thrilled with the collections fashion week was bringing but sometime around Monday it all turned around. theres so many collections that I like that i've stopped posting the links because theres just too many.
2) for anyone who was at the heatherette show.. was that not the most fun show ever? It was so full of energy. it was fab.
3) I lost my favorite gloves and I'm depressed over that.
4) My best friend is visiting me next thursday and I'm excited to see her but not excited that I don't have an apt.
5) I'm 100% bored of uptown.
6) i'm cumming in my pants b/c it's less than 2 hours till project runway. I know one of my 2 PR fake boyfriends is safe, but santino isn't and it's making me nervous. if he leaves tonight I'm going to be very very sad.
7) I haven't seen any of the PR season 2 people yet. tear. I know that they are all in NY now though.
k. thats all. nothing important. Exept for the loss of my gloves. I need to go get ready for a PR viewing party. Martinis and Runway. Yum.
Fashion Week Update (again)
The Nanette Lepore and Heatherette shows were amazing. Nice presentation, good music, and fab clothes.
Fashion Week Update
What I like:
Jill Stuart. Love it. It has that goth chic look.
Betsey Johnson The dresses are really cute and fun.
Marc Jacobs Not the whole collection, but some of the clothes are very pretty and wearable.
Cynthia Steffe. Everything is clean, chic, and wearable.
What I don't like:
The colors this season. Most of the colors are black/white/grey with accents of olive, burgundy, and chocolate. Kinda drab and depressing.
Jill Stuart. Love it. It has that goth chic look.
Betsey Johnson The dresses are really cute and fun.
Marc Jacobs Not the whole collection, but some of the clothes are very pretty and wearable.
Cynthia Steffe. Everything is clean, chic, and wearable.
What I don't like:
The colors this season. Most of the colors are black/white/grey with accents of olive, burgundy, and chocolate. Kinda drab and depressing.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the bars on the Upper West Side try a little too hard to be like the bars on the Lower East Side?
Strokes Dancer
After my very early morning chai latte in Soho (yes, i cabbed down there at 9AM for a chai that I could get down the block from my place just because I miss downtown so much now that I'm living uptown). And before the Diane Von Furstenberg fashion show, I went to visit my wonderful grandparents for lunch. I told them that I would stop by only if I could control the music played today. I'm sorry but I just can't sit through another meal with the background track of the Three Tenors. So what did i choose? Obviously the Strokes. First impressions of Earth to be exact.
While on the train I realized that I should have brought something a little tamer and more widely liked. Something that they could enjoy even if I don't love it. But no. I suffered through foreign language opera too many times. Strokes it is.
Track number 5 comes on. On The Other Sideeeeeeeeee....
My Grandma got up and started doing some druggy shuffle ice in your shirt dance. It was priceless. She sat down and said "I love this song!!! It makes me want to dance!" How adoreable. I let her keep the CD.
**Uptown Update** Still no apt. I have to admit though, I have't been looking these past few days. The apt search will resume with the ending of fashion week. I hate to say this, but The way way way Upeer West Side is officially starting to get to me. The honeymoon period is over.
While on the train I realized that I should have brought something a little tamer and more widely liked. Something that they could enjoy even if I don't love it. But no. I suffered through foreign language opera too many times. Strokes it is.
Track number 5 comes on. On The Other Sideeeeeeeeee....
My Grandma got up and started doing some druggy shuffle ice in your shirt dance. It was priceless. She sat down and said "I love this song!!! It makes me want to dance!" How adoreable. I let her keep the CD.
**Uptown Update** Still no apt. I have to admit though, I have't been looking these past few days. The apt search will resume with the ending of fashion week. I hate to say this, but The way way way Upeer West Side is officially starting to get to me. The honeymoon period is over.
4 Rants or Rambles
A few things that i need to talk about:
1) Fashion Week = Project Runway fashion show = PR cast in NY. We all know that besides sex and drugs, runway is my favorite thing right now. Sadly, I have not seen any PR2 castmembers yet, but I did see Jay McCarrol (last year's winner). We didn't speak.. I only saw him, but i still got giddy over seeing him. And for the record, he sadly was not wearing that bright insane usual Jay apparel.
2) Still no apt but I'm still not past the honeymoon stage with my new temp roomies. Tonight the 3 of us went out together without inviting anyone else to meet up so it was just us 3 and it was kinda cute. I have to admit I'm likeing this more than i thought I would. I've always wrote off anything uptown as "not my style" but it's really not as bad as I made it. I can now say that after tonight, I had fun at a way way way uptown bar. And I'm OK with living way way way uptown, for now. Only for now.
3) I know this is stuck up, but I really hate it more than anything at the moment when people wear styles of seasons past to fashion week. I understand that people do this on the streets everyday, and that most people can't afford a completely new wardrobe every season, that's Ok for everyday endevors, BUT THIS IS FASHION WEEK. If you somehow get an invite, please please please make an effort. There are many people that would kill for an in to this event and would spend money that they will work weeks to regain just to look fab at this fab event. If you are going to fashion week it's an unwritten rule that you must look 100% fashionable fab and amazing... at least in my book.
4) I just found out about a really huge job that is in the works for me. I'm really excited and wish I could say more, but It's only in the works right now so i A) don't want to give wrong info and B) don't want to jinx it. I'll know more in a few weeks and it will happen in about 6 months after training if this all goes through. and it is ligit. No playboy or porn. It's a real fucking job motherfucker.
I need to stop drunk blogging but it's hard because drunk is the most fun way to blog.
1) Fashion Week = Project Runway fashion show = PR cast in NY. We all know that besides sex and drugs, runway is my favorite thing right now. Sadly, I have not seen any PR2 castmembers yet, but I did see Jay McCarrol (last year's winner). We didn't speak.. I only saw him, but i still got giddy over seeing him. And for the record, he sadly was not wearing that bright insane usual Jay apparel.
2) Still no apt but I'm still not past the honeymoon stage with my new temp roomies. Tonight the 3 of us went out together without inviting anyone else to meet up so it was just us 3 and it was kinda cute. I have to admit I'm likeing this more than i thought I would. I've always wrote off anything uptown as "not my style" but it's really not as bad as I made it. I can now say that after tonight, I had fun at a way way way uptown bar. And I'm OK with living way way way uptown, for now. Only for now.
3) I know this is stuck up, but I really hate it more than anything at the moment when people wear styles of seasons past to fashion week. I understand that people do this on the streets everyday, and that most people can't afford a completely new wardrobe every season, that's Ok for everyday endevors, BUT THIS IS FASHION WEEK. If you somehow get an invite, please please please make an effort. There are many people that would kill for an in to this event and would spend money that they will work weeks to regain just to look fab at this fab event. If you are going to fashion week it's an unwritten rule that you must look 100% fashionable fab and amazing... at least in my book.
4) I just found out about a really huge job that is in the works for me. I'm really excited and wish I could say more, but It's only in the works right now so i A) don't want to give wrong info and B) don't want to jinx it. I'll know more in a few weeks and it will happen in about 6 months after training if this all goes through. and it is ligit. No playboy or porn. It's a real fucking job motherfucker.
I need to stop drunk blogging but it's hard because drunk is the most fun way to blog.
Olympus Fashion Week!
It's FASHION WEEK!, which means that I'll barely be around. I'll stop in everytime I get a minute to breathe.
I just fucked the guy that I lost my virginity to.
I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm happy that i had amazing sex yet disgusted that it's him. Shocked too. I'm in total shock that we can get along for a long enough time to jump into bed without hearing what a horrible person we both are, from eachother. This was definately love/hate at it's finest.
I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm happy that i had amazing sex yet disgusted that it's him. Shocked too. I'm in total shock that we can get along for a long enough time to jump into bed without hearing what a horrible person we both are, from eachother. This was definately love/hate at it's finest.
Stuyvestant High
This is a very good story in this week's New York Magazine about high school kids being experimental with their sexuality aka being Bisexual.
It kinda reminds me of my friends and I when I was 16.
It kinda reminds me of my friends and I when I was 16.
Barcade Pup
Last night I went to Barcade and some guy came up to me, introduced himself (Chad), shook my hand, and then bowed his head and started licking my hand. Like a puppy. Weird? I think so.
House Guest
This living with some friends thing is fun. For now. Right now it's like the first week of sleepaway camp where everything is a party and we're all happy to be together. We haven't gotten sick of eachother's habits yet and nothing is annoying, yet. I really want to find a place pronto before the fun wears down though. I've been looking way downtown but today I decided that I'm going to look in Williamsburg too. I don't know why I didn't think to look there sooner, and it really does make sense considering that half of my firends live there. So heres to finding better luck on the other side of the bridge.
M.I.A., Me
I haven't been around much lately. That's an understatement, but moving on I'm going to do a quick catch-up.
What I've been up to:
Saw Broken Social Scene play twice. Great concerts.
Profusely bar hopped. Like usual.
Saw "Capote" again. Still good the second time around.
Saw "The Baxter" on DVD. Not amazing, but cute.
Started reading "Story Of My Life" by Jay McInerney. The main character Alison reminds me a little too much of myself. It's scary. i feel as if he wrote the book about me. I'm only on page 30 so I don't know if by the end of the book i will still feel this way, but so far it's a close match.
Watched Project Runway. (obviously)
Moved in with 2 friends. I still need a place STAT. Any leads? More on this living situation tomorrow....
What I've been up to:
Saw Broken Social Scene play twice. Great concerts.
Profusely bar hopped. Like usual.
Saw "Capote" again. Still good the second time around.
Saw "The Baxter" on DVD. Not amazing, but cute.
Started reading "Story Of My Life" by Jay McInerney. The main character Alison reminds me a little too much of myself. It's scary. i feel as if he wrote the book about me. I'm only on page 30 so I don't know if by the end of the book i will still feel this way, but so far it's a close match.
Watched Project Runway. (obviously)
Moved in with 2 friends. I still need a place STAT. Any leads? More on this living situation tomorrow....
PR Picks
Who I want to win: Daniel V.
Who I want to be in the top 3: Daniel, and Santino or Nick or Andrae or Chloe. Definately DV, and 2 out of the 4 just listed.
Who i want to leave pronto: Kara. She seems lovely but her designs just aren't as good as the other 5.
Who i want to F: SANTINO. and DV. Daniel is beautiful and for some reason I want to jump Santino's bones. i spoke to my mom tonight and she agrees with both.
Who I want to be in the top 3: Daniel, and Santino or Nick or Andrae or Chloe. Definately DV, and 2 out of the 4 just listed.
Who i want to leave pronto: Kara. She seems lovely but her designs just aren't as good as the other 5.
Who i want to F: SANTINO. and DV. Daniel is beautiful and for some reason I want to jump Santino's bones. i spoke to my mom tonight and she agrees with both.
Dan Love
Dan Renzi's fantabulous Project Runway reacp here
He's so hilarious..
"So you know Santino is going to take pictures of dirty homeless people, Kara is going to take pictures of stuff no one undertands, Daniel V is going to take pictures of himself, and Andrae is going to take pictures of Daniel V."
He's so hilarious..
"So you know Santino is going to take pictures of dirty homeless people, Kara is going to take pictures of stuff no one undertands, Daniel V is going to take pictures of himself, and Andrae is going to take pictures of Daniel V."
Broken Social Scene

BSS 7:30 tonight at Webster Hall!!!!
also tomorrow and Sat.
All sold out, but tonight's was an add on, so a lot of people already had tix to tomorrows and Sat's, then bought for tonight, and may want to get rid of their tix to the later ones.
I'll be back to blogging tomorrow.
I'm moving. My lease is up on the 26th and I haven't found anything yet, so I'm going to be staying with 2 friends until something pops up.
Lucky them.
I'll be back in 2 days.
Lucky them.
I'll be back in 2 days.
I just watched the episode of SNL that I Tivo'd and it sucked. Exept for The Strokes. They were amazing.
I miss old school SNL when the episodes were actually funny. The writers that they have now are fucking up the show. Badly.
Talking about The Strokes; NYC - Hammerstein Ballroom - March 3rd!!!!!!!!!!
I miss old school SNL when the episodes were actually funny. The writers that they have now are fucking up the show. Badly.
Talking about The Strokes; NYC - Hammerstein Ballroom - March 3rd!!!!!!!!!!
Heard Em Say

Why did Kanye West and Adam Levine make a new video for "Heard 'Em Say" when they already had a perfectly fine video for that song???
PR blog?
I think that I'm the last Project Runway fan to know about this amazing blog.
Blogging Project Runway has everything about this show. reviews, cast member articles, and all of that other stuff that I'm not talented enough to find.
I'm off th the Fader party at Tonic tonight. Should be fun. Free Red Stripe btwn 8-9. But honestly, who wants to go out that early. 8 o clock? No thanks. I'll get there at a more normal time and buy my own stripe. Or i could always find someone who would be more than willing to get one for me.
Blogging Project Runway has everything about this show. reviews, cast member articles, and all of that other stuff that I'm not talented enough to find.
I'm off th the Fader party at Tonic tonight. Should be fun. Free Red Stripe btwn 8-9. But honestly, who wants to go out that early. 8 o clock? No thanks. I'll get there at a more normal time and buy my own stripe. Or i could always find someone who would be more than willing to get one for me.
Project Runway Recap by Dan
Dan Renzi takes on the role of his brother and writes some hilarious Project Runway recaps every week.
Rather then add my own input to the hundreds of bad recaps, I'll supply you with someone else's good recap.
Dan's hilarious PR recap
Rather then add my own input to the hundreds of bad recaps, I'll supply you with someone else's good recap.
Dan's hilarious PR recap
Last Nigt
After typing that title I needed to put on that song by The Strokes.
So last night everything happened as predicted. Dinner was a mess. 2 hours felt like 4. Post dinner was even worse. We went back to my g-parents house and he presented them with a tropical fruit basket. He then took each fruit and explained what it was and how it benefits your health and what vitamins each contain. There was opera music playing and the 40 year old virgin talked and talked about himself in a monotone dron for what seemed like forever. I can't forget his accordion wallet with about 20 pictures of his 2 cats. Definately the hi-light of my night.
The car ride back to the train station? 40 year old left and it was just me and the grandparents. Oh, but I wasn't "safe". I had to hear about what a nice boy he is and how I'm a fool for not taking the bait.
So last night everything happened as predicted. Dinner was a mess. 2 hours felt like 4. Post dinner was even worse. We went back to my g-parents house and he presented them with a tropical fruit basket. He then took each fruit and explained what it was and how it benefits your health and what vitamins each contain. There was opera music playing and the 40 year old virgin talked and talked about himself in a monotone dron for what seemed like forever. I can't forget his accordion wallet with about 20 pictures of his 2 cats. Definately the hi-light of my night.
The car ride back to the train station? 40 year old left and it was just me and the grandparents. Oh, but I wasn't "safe". I had to hear about what a nice boy he is and how I'm a fool for not taking the bait.
Why today sucks
In 2 hours from now i will be making my way to Penn Station to catch a train on the LIRR to have dinner with my grandparents plus one. Seeing my g-parents isn't the part I'm not happy about. I love them and I make a point to call them a few times a week, and I visit them a few times a month. I have issues with the fact that this needs to be done on a Thursday night and that they need to drag along a plus one for me.
Thursday is my absoulte favorite night to go out. All my friends go out on Thursdays, there is no bridge and tunnel crew on Thursdays, and the best partys in my opinion are hosted on Thursdays. Sad to say, tonight I will not be pregaming at the Coffee Shop like I do on most Thursday nights, nor will I be able to go to Don Hills to check out Brad Wlash's party
The worst part: My grandparents think that it's time that I settle down and start a family, and they took it upon themselves to arrange this. They hand picked a top notch nerd for me who is single and lonely and is tired of relying on his two cats for companionship. This guy really is a 40-year old virgin, and the saddest part is that he considers my grandparents, two 70 year old senior citizens, to be his best friends. Yes, this is the guy that they would like to set me up with to grow old with and to reproduce with.
So now besides missing my faovrite party night I need to sit with this guy at a table all ngiht and act not interested yet polite. In no way would I ever ever ever consider bedding this man. First he's 40! Thats practically double my age. next he has no social skills, cannot function normally in society, and is not pleasing to look at. I'm not shallow, but this guy does not believe in prober hygene and grooming which is a no go in my book.
I'm getting fustered thinking about what a disaster tonight will be, and how nagged I will be by my g-parents after I reject their choice of a suitor for me. Just because they as well as my parents wed at the young age of 21, does not mean that i must follow in their footsteps.
I hope that everyone else's night is better than mine will be...
Thursday is my absoulte favorite night to go out. All my friends go out on Thursdays, there is no bridge and tunnel crew on Thursdays, and the best partys in my opinion are hosted on Thursdays. Sad to say, tonight I will not be pregaming at the Coffee Shop like I do on most Thursday nights, nor will I be able to go to Don Hills to check out Brad Wlash's party
The worst part: My grandparents think that it's time that I settle down and start a family, and they took it upon themselves to arrange this. They hand picked a top notch nerd for me who is single and lonely and is tired of relying on his two cats for companionship. This guy really is a 40-year old virgin, and the saddest part is that he considers my grandparents, two 70 year old senior citizens, to be his best friends. Yes, this is the guy that they would like to set me up with to grow old with and to reproduce with.
So now besides missing my faovrite party night I need to sit with this guy at a table all ngiht and act not interested yet polite. In no way would I ever ever ever consider bedding this man. First he's 40! Thats practically double my age. next he has no social skills, cannot function normally in society, and is not pleasing to look at. I'm not shallow, but this guy does not believe in prober hygene and grooming which is a no go in my book.
I'm getting fustered thinking about what a disaster tonight will be, and how nagged I will be by my g-parents after I reject their choice of a suitor for me. Just because they as well as my parents wed at the young age of 21, does not mean that i must follow in their footsteps.
I hope that everyone else's night is better than mine will be...
Cutest Benefit Tee
Tribeca Film Festival
The 5th annual Tribeca Film Festival will be April 25th - MAy 7th 2006! Tickets aren't on sale yet, but if you put yourself on the mailing list they'll let you know when you can buy them.
The night of April 27th is Tropfest @ Tribeca which is a viewing of 16 different shorts. Sounds fun, and this night it's FREE.
The night of April 27th is Tropfest @ Tribeca which is a viewing of 16 different shorts. Sounds fun, and this night it's FREE.
more Project Runway
I think that all NY bloggers posted double their normal amount of posts today.
Why?? Maybe because of this cold, windy, rainy weather that we have today that goes right through you and chills your bones for hours that not even a warm sweater can fix.
I admit that I have a small obsession with Project Runway and spent the past 30min of my life reading anything PR that I can find online.
In case anyone else cares, Santino has a Blog and Emmett has an under construction website
Also, Emmett is opening a store in NOLITA. 240 Elizabeth St. to be exact.
Why?? Maybe because of this cold, windy, rainy weather that we have today that goes right through you and chills your bones for hours that not even a warm sweater can fix.
I admit that I have a small obsession with Project Runway and spent the past 30min of my life reading anything PR that I can find online.
In case anyone else cares, Santino has a Blog and Emmett has an under construction website
Also, Emmett is opening a store in NOLITA. 240 Elizabeth St. to be exact.
Urban Outfitters = fake
Since when is it OK to rip off the designs of another desinger?
I guess someone forgot to tip off Urban Outfitters about that rule.
Urban blatantly ripped off Johnny Cupcake's design. I mean how cool is that?? (sarcasm)
You can read the full story of this scandal here
I guess someone forgot to tip off Urban Outfitters about that rule.
Urban blatantly ripped off Johnny Cupcake's design. I mean how cool is that?? (sarcasm)
You can read the full story of this scandal here
On my mind..
I feel like my mind has been racing a million miles a minute with little pieces of nothing all day and it's making me jittery. Maybe writing a list will help?
Probably not
- Why is nothing good on TV today?
- Why has every channel been covering the Golden Globes today when it happened yesterday?
- Why does every blog have boring Golden Glob pictures and nothing actually interesting to read?
- Why is my book order from amazon.com taking forever to arrive?
- Will I find a new apt. before the 26th? (no)
- I'm totally screwed and have no idea what I'm going to do when i don't find an apt. (fuck)
- Will I get laid tonight? because I really need to
- By whom will I get laid by?
- Which bar will I wind up at tonight?
- When am I going to call back the guy that I've been avoiding? I know that the longer I avoid him the more akward it will be when I bump into him somewhere. (It will happen. soon. fuck.)
and lastly,
-Why was Jake Gyllenhaal not at the Golden Globes last night? He was the only reason I stayed in to watch the show instead of going out with the crackwhores.
Probably not
- Why is nothing good on TV today?
- Why has every channel been covering the Golden Globes today when it happened yesterday?
- Why does every blog have boring Golden Glob pictures and nothing actually interesting to read?
- Why is my book order from amazon.com taking forever to arrive?
- Will I find a new apt. before the 26th? (no)
- I'm totally screwed and have no idea what I'm going to do when i don't find an apt. (fuck)
- Will I get laid tonight? because I really need to
- By whom will I get laid by?
- Which bar will I wind up at tonight?
- When am I going to call back the guy that I've been avoiding? I know that the longer I avoid him the more akward it will be when I bump into him somewhere. (It will happen. soon. fuck.)
and lastly,
-Why was Jake Gyllenhaal not at the Golden Globes last night? He was the only reason I stayed in to watch the show instead of going out with the crackwhores.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah will perform at the Bowery Ballroom on April 14th and 15th!
Buy tickets here
Buy tickets here
Golden Globes
The good: Brokeback Mountain won for best picture!
The bad: Jake Gyllenhaal seemed to be M.I.A.
The ugly: The puff puff ruffle sleeves on Gwyneth Paltrow's dress
Brad Walsh Party
The lovely and amazing Brad Walsh will start hosting a party on Thursdays at Don Hill's, starting this week.


Richie Rich and Traver Rains with some other beautiful people at the Leo store opening in Miami Beach.
This pic is a big deal just beacuse it's the first time that I've ever seen Traver without the cowboy hat.
Movies: Proof + The Squid and the Whale

In the past 2 day I've these 2 movies and they were both fab.
I understand that I have a sick obsession with seeing movies and that I would be able to buy alot more clothes if I didn't waste $10.75 on each movie ticket a few times a week, but I can't help it. Plus sometimes I have this sexy brazillian pay for me. He's my movie buddy. Sometimes.
I'm not sure which movie I liked more. Squid was more of a comedy and Proof was drama. I think I have to vote for Proof- but only becauce Jake is in it. In my opinion Squid was lacking in the eye candy department.
Hottie Diaz
Tom Vek. OC
Tom Vek on the OC
Ambidextrous singer/songwriter Tom Vek will dash over from the U.K. to record a few live appearances in New York and tape an episode of The OC in L.A. January 15. Fueled by the buzz over his late-2005 release We Have Sound (StarTime International), the tiny Londoner will record a live set at 2 p.m. today, January 12, for New York station WNYC, before hitting MTV tomorrow to tape an episode of Subterranean, to be shown next week. He'll then be spinning records at Misshapes January 14, following in the footsteps as such celebrity Misshapes DJs as Madonna, Bloc Party and Franz Ferdinand. The singer will then fly to L.A. to tape a live performance of his song "C-C" for the 90210 of the oughts, The OC The episode will air March 16.
Ambidextrous singer/songwriter Tom Vek will dash over from the U.K. to record a few live appearances in New York and tape an episode of The OC in L.A. January 15. Fueled by the buzz over his late-2005 release We Have Sound (StarTime International), the tiny Londoner will record a live set at 2 p.m. today, January 12, for New York station WNYC, before hitting MTV tomorrow to tape an episode of Subterranean, to be shown next week. He'll then be spinning records at Misshapes January 14, following in the footsteps as such celebrity Misshapes DJs as Madonna, Bloc Party and Franz Ferdinand. The singer will then fly to L.A. to tape a live performance of his song "C-C" for the 90210 of the oughts, The OC The episode will air March 16.
Ok. So I have another boy problem.
I met this nice guy about 2 weeks ago. Scratch that. I saw someone I semi knew from a few years back who had a group of nice people with him. My friends and I hit it off with these people and we’ve been going out together for the past few weeks. The guy I knew was visiting from LI but all of his friends live in Manhattan and one in the group took a special liking to me.
Last night before we went to Blue and Gold we went out for some quick dinner. I thought it was just strictly for nourishment but he thought of it as a date. He insisted on paying and then to kill time btwn dinner and bar we went to a different bar for a drink.
I do not flirt with him, I act the same to him as I do to his friends, and I don’t lead him on, but for some reason he wants to “be serious” with me. How can you be serious with someone that you have never kissed? This isn’t middle school.
I have no attraction to this guy and the more I think about kissing him the more sick I feel. Tonight I went to a different bar than him with a turned off phone just so that I couldn’t receive any of the immature “I like you texts” I mean who the fuck sends those nowdays. Are we 12?
I need to tell him that I don’t like him that way STAT and there is no easy way to do it rather than to flat out say “I don’t like you that way.” He’s a drama queen who will make this into a huge thing and our new group will have a rift in it. Why did the least normal one out of a group of 5 have to irrationally become attached? (NO Kiss! Nothing)
Go figure.
I met this nice guy about 2 weeks ago. Scratch that. I saw someone I semi knew from a few years back who had a group of nice people with him. My friends and I hit it off with these people and we’ve been going out together for the past few weeks. The guy I knew was visiting from LI but all of his friends live in Manhattan and one in the group took a special liking to me.
Last night before we went to Blue and Gold we went out for some quick dinner. I thought it was just strictly for nourishment but he thought of it as a date. He insisted on paying and then to kill time btwn dinner and bar we went to a different bar for a drink.
I do not flirt with him, I act the same to him as I do to his friends, and I don’t lead him on, but for some reason he wants to “be serious” with me. How can you be serious with someone that you have never kissed? This isn’t middle school.
I have no attraction to this guy and the more I think about kissing him the more sick I feel. Tonight I went to a different bar than him with a turned off phone just so that I couldn’t receive any of the immature “I like you texts” I mean who the fuck sends those nowdays. Are we 12?
I need to tell him that I don’t like him that way STAT and there is no easy way to do it rather than to flat out say “I don’t like you that way.” He’s a drama queen who will make this into a huge thing and our new group will have a rift in it. Why did the least normal one out of a group of 5 have to irrationally become attached? (NO Kiss! Nothing)
Go figure.
These past few days have been non-stop. I think that tomorrow is going to be one of those sleep in forever and never go out, catchup on sleep days.
All of this week’s shows were incredible, and I chose Imogen over Morningwood, but only because I’ve been listening to her longer, and I had no other way to make a decision
(b/c their both great)
And now for the finalists for the New Pantheon Music Awards
Animal Collective's "Feels" (Fatcat)
Antony and the Johnsons' "I Am a Bird Now" (Secretly Canadian)
Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine" (Epic)
the Arcade Fire's "Funeral" (Merge)
Bloc Party's "Silent Alarm" (Vice/Atlantic).
Death Cab For Cutie's "Plans" (Atlantic)
the Decemberists' "Picaresque" (Kill Rock Stars)
Kings Of Leon's "Aha Shake Heartbreak" (RCA)
M.I.A.'s "Arular" (XL/Beggars Banquet)
Sufjan Stevens' "Illinois" (Asthmatic Kitty)
All of this week’s shows were incredible, and I chose Imogen over Morningwood, but only because I’ve been listening to her longer, and I had no other way to make a decision
(b/c their both great)
And now for the finalists for the New Pantheon Music Awards
Animal Collective's "Feels" (Fatcat)
Antony and the Johnsons' "I Am a Bird Now" (Secretly Canadian)
Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine" (Epic)
the Arcade Fire's "Funeral" (Merge)
Bloc Party's "Silent Alarm" (Vice/Atlantic).
Death Cab For Cutie's "Plans" (Atlantic)
the Decemberists' "Picaresque" (Kill Rock Stars)
Kings Of Leon's "Aha Shake Heartbreak" (RCA)
M.I.A.'s "Arular" (XL/Beggars Banquet)
Sufjan Stevens' "Illinois" (Asthmatic Kitty)
I just got back from my first vacation of 2006. South Beach. I'm not too sure which adjetive would be sufficient to describe this trip, but I'm also not too sure if I even remember these past 5 days of my life.
One big blur.
There, I just summed 5 days up in 3 words. Enough said for now.
I have a very questionable living situation right now which I need to change ASAP. I'm off to look at apts. I would elaborate, but it's too pathetic for me to even bitch about. But trust me, once I find a new place and can laugh about this sad sad situation, you will be entertained with stories of my August 2005- (hopefully) Feb 2006 apt.
One big blur.
There, I just summed 5 days up in 3 words. Enough said for now.
I have a very questionable living situation right now which I need to change ASAP. I'm off to look at apts. I would elaborate, but it's too pathetic for me to even bitch about. But trust me, once I find a new place and can laugh about this sad sad situation, you will be entertained with stories of my August 2005- (hopefully) Feb 2006 apt.
"Where the hell is my chiffon?!?!"
Deflintely the best line of the show.
Project Runway = my new obsession. I'm hooked. It's so weird that I'm so into this because I haven't religiously watched a TV show since I was in 9th or 10th grade.
So the Socialite episode...
- Guadelupe's dress was fucking ugly. I really felt bad for her model, having to wear that mess not only in public, but to Marquee, and in front of the fabulous Heatherette duo, Richie and Traver.
- I already loved this show, but putting Heatherette in the background just boosted it's stock in my book. Talking about Heatherette, Daniel V's creation looks like something that could be straight out of their Living Dolls Collection.
- Nicky seemed bored.
- My favorite dress was Andrae's.
- In my opinion; Chloe, Santino, Nick, and Daniel V. are the ovreall best.
- I'm amazed at how quickly they conjure/make these garmets. A little over a day and it goes from paper to the model. Especially Santino's latest creation. That shit was detailed. It looks like it took him weeks to make that.
- Santino is an asshole, but I don't hate him. He's funny, he makes good TV, and he seems cool. Yea, I'm a Santino fan, Bitch.
P.S.- who said the great great line "Where the hell is my chiffon?!?!
Deflintely the best line of the show.
Project Runway = my new obsession. I'm hooked. It's so weird that I'm so into this because I haven't religiously watched a TV show since I was in 9th or 10th grade.
So the Socialite episode...
- Guadelupe's dress was fucking ugly. I really felt bad for her model, having to wear that mess not only in public, but to Marquee, and in front of the fabulous Heatherette duo, Richie and Traver.
- I already loved this show, but putting Heatherette in the background just boosted it's stock in my book. Talking about Heatherette, Daniel V's creation looks like something that could be straight out of their Living Dolls Collection.
- Nicky seemed bored.
- My favorite dress was Andrae's.
- In my opinion; Chloe, Santino, Nick, and Daniel V. are the ovreall best.
- I'm amazed at how quickly they conjure/make these garmets. A little over a day and it goes from paper to the model. Especially Santino's latest creation. That shit was detailed. It looks like it took him weeks to make that.
- Santino is an asshole, but I don't hate him. He's funny, he makes good TV, and he seems cool. Yea, I'm a Santino fan, Bitch.
P.S.- who said the great great line "Where the hell is my chiffon?!?!
Yesterday I gave a blow job to a hot canadian in the pool house. Today I woke up to a long text message from "S", this guy who I was in a kinda relationship with a month ago. He told me how much he misses me and how he needs to see me soon. Ugh I feel so guilty for some reason.
I'll have to deal with S when I get back to Ny becuase right now I have dinner with my north of the border, nip ring wearing, vacay boyfriend.
I'll have to deal with S when I get back to Ny becuase right now I have dinner with my north of the border, nip ring wearing, vacay boyfriend.
achoo. I picked up a cold sometime duing my plane ride here. It sucks. The plane ride sucked too. All I wanted to do was listen to my ipod, but the guy sitting next to me kept talking to me for 3 fucking hours about how "in" Antik and True Religion jeans are, and how necessary it is to own a sidekick II. He really needs to get over himself STAT.
Tomorrow is the orange bowl which is a big deal here in S.Florida, and also to the Penn State kids who flew down for the occasion. There was a pre-party on the beach which was interesting. I missed the beginning, which was the designated time slot for FSU, but I made it in time for the Penn State sector, which seemed to me like a Frat Boy's Delight, totally not my style, you know how lame I think they are. Getting smashed and dancing. Only difference was that we were on the beach, and there was live music provided by Reuben Studdard and Ciara.
I'm too stuffy to settle down and sleep, and I know that this is probably going to make my cold worse. Bravo just had a Project Runway marathon, which I watched in full and I can now say that this show is my new obsession. The only problem is this Santino guy. His designs are nice sometimes, but his personality is seriously lacking. The lingere incident also made me loose a lot of respect for his design ability. That lingere line just wasn't good. I would run if a girl was in bed with me wearing that shit.
Tomorrow is the orange bowl which is a big deal here in S.Florida, and also to the Penn State kids who flew down for the occasion. There was a pre-party on the beach which was interesting. I missed the beginning, which was the designated time slot for FSU, but I made it in time for the Penn State sector, which seemed to me like a Frat Boy's Delight, totally not my style, you know how lame I think they are. Getting smashed and dancing. Only difference was that we were on the beach, and there was live music provided by Reuben Studdard and Ciara.
I'm too stuffy to settle down and sleep, and I know that this is probably going to make my cold worse. Bravo just had a Project Runway marathon, which I watched in full and I can now say that this show is my new obsession. The only problem is this Santino guy. His designs are nice sometimes, but his personality is seriously lacking. The lingere incident also made me loose a lot of respect for his design ability. That lingere line just wasn't good. I would run if a girl was in bed with me wearing that shit.
I wish I could post a long entry, but right now I need to pack because I’m leaving early tomorrow morning to go to South Beach!! New Years Eve was amazingly fun and crazy, and I could post five entries about all of the events of last night, but for now I’ll just leave you with a quick breakdown of the evening of 12/31/05-1/1/06.
P.S. This is how I choose to live my life, so if you don’t approve of it I’m sorry to offend you, but I rather live it up when I’m young than miss out and be miserable and look back on life with the feeling of an unfulfilled youth.
Bedtime: 5:30 AM
Woke up at: 9 AM
Number of boobs I grabbed: 1
Number of times I took my shirt off: 2
Number of guys I hooked up with: 1 (I kept my good girl panties on, and It’s an old friend not a random!)
Number of male nips sucked: 1
Number of drinks consumed: 4
Number of drugs taken: 2
Number of lines: 2
Number of lines taken off of my body by someone else: 2
Number of drunk dials made: 0
Number of drunk dials received: 3
Hilight: Walking in on my best friend having sex on the bathroom floor.
I have to say, I was much better than I expected.
I have to pack now but I’ll be back next weekend. Have a nice week, and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
P.S. This is how I choose to live my life, so if you don’t approve of it I’m sorry to offend you, but I rather live it up when I’m young than miss out and be miserable and look back on life with the feeling of an unfulfilled youth.
Bedtime: 5:30 AM
Woke up at: 9 AM
Number of boobs I grabbed: 1
Number of times I took my shirt off: 2
Number of guys I hooked up with: 1 (I kept my good girl panties on, and It’s an old friend not a random!)
Number of male nips sucked: 1
Number of drinks consumed: 4
Number of drugs taken: 2
Number of lines: 2
Number of lines taken off of my body by someone else: 2
Number of drunk dials made: 0
Number of drunk dials received: 3
Hilight: Walking in on my best friend having sex on the bathroom floor.
I have to say, I was much better than I expected.
I have to pack now but I’ll be back next weekend. Have a nice week, and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
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