Only because the pre-game part became an impromptu nakey party.
I'm at my friend fluffy's apt. Her real name isn’t Fluffy, but that’s what we all call her. I’m sitting in an “egg chair” chair with my friend, each of us with a glass of rum in hand with tea nearby, for chaser purposes. (Tea as a chaser? I’m not too sure what’s up with that.) The chair is shaped like an egg with red velour lining. The walls are neon green. There is a large blue coffee table made of wood. A pink shag rug sits in the middle of the room. Yes, everything looks psychedelic and we aren’t even drunk, yet.
After some rum I wind up putting on a pair of earmuffs. Not too weird when I focus in on my surroundings. Fluffy is topless, wearing only a denim miniskirt, which comes off leaving only a thong. Another friend is wearing a top with no bottoms. Fluffy’s lay from the previous night still hasn’t left, and he is walking around in a towel. (it’s 11PM. I’m really not sure why he’s still at her place a whole day later.)
The doorbell rings. A boy walks in and purchases Viagra, e, and thinks about buying oxy from Fluff. Then he leaves. The doorbell rings again. This time in walks my one friend wearing almost nothing, meaning the shiny silver undergarment thingy’s from American apparel. My other friend walks in wearing nothing except for sheer black stockings and holding a 40. Everyone was dancing/bopping around and taking swigs from a 40 while reminiscing about "rolling on e" the night before.
I felt like we walked straight off the pages of a Bret Easton Ellis novel.
here's a picture of the setting I was trying to desribe. wall, egg, friend's arm.

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